Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Pirates

Here I will share my latest picture with the newest bundles, The High Seas Mystery Outfit. I am not so into pirates so I am not looking forward to the next week's theme much. But I will still go out and shop when the new items are out. I know for sure, I will see an item or two that I can buy ☺
Today I am wearing my Lady Pirate Outfit. I kinda not like this even though this is for girls outfit because it does not suit my girly taste, but still I opted to wear this even for a day or two ☺

Sea Admiral Outfit

And here are my unopened bundles, from left to right; Pirate Prince Outfit, Mythical Pirate Captain Outfit, Pirate Princess Outfit and Pirate Sorceress Outfit. I am liking the Pirate Princess and the Sorceress though, these two bundles are the only girly bundles in this mystery outfit.

1 comment:

  1. Soooper cute!!! love love love these bundles!!!
